

February 8, 2022
A group of people standing in front of a house.

A person is drawing on the wall of their home.

Best review ever WOW! This is the most powerful review I have ever received.

Elenice Umana sent me this picture of her family out in front of her home in MA. The title of her picture was ” Our family values your work” This warmed my heart and almost made me cry cause something was in my eye, lol!

This is the best review ever!

Thank you Elenice this made my day!

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Coach Neighbors

The government harassment drove me to devote my life to learning how their RICO administrative court process works and how to stop it. The real-time feedback from fighters like you who are crushing the judges in the ring using my legal products helps us make game-changing corrections to the non-conventional lawsuit packages that force the government players to visualize their shared liability at the gate. We can add the state, the judge, and the prosecutor as plaintiffs in their civil action, using a counterclaim, the demand to strike document, or the TRO to block the state from receiving federal funding per the spending clause in the Constitution. We have figured out the court uses the local rules to violate our due process with their administrative procedure. The Supreme Court structures the local court rules, so we now add the Supreme Court to the lawsuit at the gate. I provide the tools and group coaching you need to get control of your legal situation without an attorney in your face. If you are ready to learn how to punch these people in the face with my non-conventional program, review the most asked questions and answers, then look at the updated instructional on my YouTube Channel. Get the lawsuit package you need and get to punching! Thank you for considering investing in my dream here.