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February 28, 2024

I failed to double check the (one-time sale) setting in my stripe account payment links when I had the website down sale, and three of the 15- payments links I emailed out still showed the customer was paying for a recurring subscription payment each month. So, far I one 1300.00 payment taken from the account of one of my team members. I’m very sorry about this problem, and I’m willing to do whatever I can to make it up to the person who received the notification that my company had taken a 1300.00 subscription recurring payment. I refunded the money within a couple hours, however there are still issues that were caused by my failure to double check the settings. If anyone else was affected by this mistake please contact me asap, and remember I’m not interested in stealing anything from you all, lol. I’m willing to do whatever I can to make this right.

I don’t want people to think I’m an attorney!!

Thank you for your patience.


Coach Neighbors

I am the creator of advocates for Justice Paralegal Service to offer an affordable legal option to folks who do not trust attorneys. I provide the tools and group coaching you need to get control of your legal situation without an attorney in your face. I have been through what you are facing, and that experience drove me to learn the loopholes (defects) in the attorney’s processes and procedures that rob the court of jurisdiction. I learned how to structure legal documents that will address the defects in the legal process. I have a private Facebook group where I communicate with group members who are using my documents and strategies. The real-time feedback on how attorneys are trying to avoid liability allows me to adjustments the lawsuit packages to close those doors the attorneys try and use. If you are ready to try a non-conventional strategy to get control of your legal situation, I have what you need.