February 19, 2022
A fireman is in the midst of a fire.

Welcome to Tonight’s livestream

Advocates for Justice Paralegal School Live Stream

We provide the tools to do the work

I’m Coach Neighbors,

1. We had a federal judge dismiss the “eliminate property tax” lawsuit.

2. I will cover a couple of strategies you need to consider to handle the judge in that case.

a. These strategies will apply across the board for anyone facing an illegal legal situation in court.

b. You will learn how to work the process!

3. I’m going to review my guarantee when you invest in my program.

4. There is some activity in my sister’s judicial foreclosure I will review tonight.

5. Strategies you need to take control of a Non-Judicial Foreclosure.

I think this will be Fire!

Don’t be late 9:00 Tonight 2-19-22

This Link Is To My Traffic Ticket package:

This Link Is To The Credit Card Lawsuit Package:

A person is drawing on the wall of their home.
Start Your Fire Today!

Coach Neighbors

I am the creator of advocates for Justice Paralegal Service to offer an affordable legal option to folks who do not trust attorneys. I provide the tools and group coaching you need to get control of your legal situation without an attorney in your face. I have been through what you are facing, and that experience drove me to learn the loopholes (defects) in the attorney’s processes and procedures that rob the court of jurisdiction. I learned how to structure legal documents that will address the defects in the legal process. I have a private Facebook group where I communicate with group members who are using my documents and strategies. The real-time feedback on how attorneys are trying to avoid liability allows me to adjustments the lawsuit packages to close those doors the attorneys try and use. If you are ready to try a non-conventional strategy to get control of your legal situation, I have what you need.