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Updated Instructional Video For The Lawsuit Packages

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Welcome To Pro-Se Legal School.

You must get yourself to the gate by doing the following homework before communicating with me. My goal is to help you jump-start your brain and change your attitude to attack the “why” they were allowed to violate your due process in the first place. Here you will learn how to stop legal corruption by using my non-conventional offensive lawsuit packages, and strategies to hold the corporation and players bankrolling the illegal court process liable in federal court.

Please remember that you cannot connect what you were already doing to my products or strategies. I do not coach people on how to continue what they were doing in the conventional legal system the B. A. R. members structured for you to follow while they punch you in the face. I can’t help you until you get yourself to the gate and invest in a lawsuit package, so please don’t contact me until you have done your homework. This program is structured to operate without me being around.

The Number One Mistake In Foreclosure Defense:

  The number one mistake people make in foreclosure defense is thinking the lender is the corporation foreclosing on your property. The corporation bank-rolling the foreclosure is the State and the attorney acting as an illegal third-party debt collector. We never mention the lender or servicer as defendants in our lawsuit because the players know you will never be able to prove the lender had anything to do with the foreclosure. The lender did a charge-off and removed the ledger from their books. If you mention a lender the players will ignore your lawsuit and move, you up to the top of the list to be evicted. People lose sight of the fact that most of what they know about the legal system are mis-competitions planted by bar the members attacking your property.


  1. Go to my website, (winincourtnow.com) click on the product page study, and both descriptions and review the list of documents you will receive when you invest in the lawsuit package.
  2. You will need to go to my YouTube channel and search for the instructional video playlist. In that playlist, you must search for the lawsuit package instructional video, and
  3. You must watch all the updated instructional videos that are in the instructional video playlist that outline the new procedures we use when we deploy the new 42 USC 1983 lawsuit packages.
  4. It does not matter that the updated instructional video is referencing foreclosure because here will learn how to control the court process by having the proper players listed as defendants.
  5. For coaching, please follow me on X/Twitter (@neighbors_coach) and ask any questions that are not covered in the instructional.
  6. I do not provide legal coaching on my phone or via email after you invest in a lawsuit package.
  7. When you invest in my program the lawsuit package will be emailed to you with the email address connected to your payment method.
  8. Please contact me after you check out and I will personally email you the product.
Click To See The Lawsuit Packages


  1. “Will my classes or lawsuit packages prepare me for my court case?”

My reply: You don’t have a case until you pay and file as the plaintiff, otherwise, you are in their case getting punched in the face by the judge the state paid.

  1. This is why you must take my program to their case and shut it down.
  2. You must click on the product tab and study the lawsuit descriptions very carefully.
  3. Then one must go to my YouTube channel and find the instructional video playlist to review the instructional video for the lawsuit package.
  4. You must study all the updated instructional videos in the instructional video playlist because I make changes all the time based on real-time feedback from folks in my coaching groups.
  5. Can your package stop the sale, and eviction process?
  6. The long answer is their legal system is corrupt and we have discovered that there is more value in attacking the why, as opposed to the what.
  7. Here we attack the reason they were able to do the sale or the eviction, and in most cases, we ended up suing the state, and the players for the state’s day-to-day procedure they use to get control of your property deed.
  8. Now your lawsuit is attacking the fact that the state’s normal procedures allowed you to be violated in the situation you were facing.
  9. What is the goal of your program: The goal of this legal program is to teach you how to stop the court process and get your deed removed from their office and delivered as per the state law.
  10. Can I call you when I’m freaking out.
  1. No, never call me when you are in a state of fear!
  2. I do not accept phone calls for the 600.00 lawsuit packages.
  3. I do make phone calls to folks who invest in my 1500.00 premium packages after I receive a short question about why you need to communicate.
  4. I decide if I need to call the folks who invest in my premium packages after I read their question.
  5. Should I copy and paste the document I’m going to personalize in my Word program and save the changes on my computer?
  6. Yes, it’s best to copy and paste each document you need to personalize into your Word file as a new document and make your changes there to be saved on your computer or one drive.


The state’s unfair legal process has a much bigger impact on your life that losing your home or going to prison. The state’s legal process is a violation of your due process and causes severe financial and emotional consequences.One of our lawsuit packages could be an affordable remedy for your legal dispute. Head over to our website at winnincourtnow.com and study the descriptions of the lawsuit packages. Then you must go to our YouTube channel and search for the instructional video playlist. In the instructional video playlist, you must start with the updated instructional videos. Please study all of them. Then you must study the instructional video for the lawsuit package you invested in, also in the instructional video playlist. You do the homework before I can coach you. Please remember that I’m Not an attorney, and I do not do the work for you. My coaching begins after you invest in the program and complete all the requirements outlined in the communication.After you make your investment:

  1. The lawsuit package will be downloaded to the email address connected to your credit card. 2. You will have access to the updated instructional videos, and the instructional video for the lawsuit package you invested in. 3. You will have access to over 525 training videos on our YouTube channel. 4. Access to our company’s Facebook page, 5. Access to coaching on Facebook.
The lawsuit packages on our website at (winincourtnow.com) can help you protect your due process rights in the event you find yourself facing the state’s corrupt legal process.Contact Us: advocatesforjusticelegalservic@gmail.com or contact me at this 

Two men shaking hands over a table with money. Click Here To Review The Instructional Video Playlist For The Lawsuit Packages


My story in short is that the local police tried to do an illegal search in my wife’s secondhand store. The state never filed a case, so the police chief lied to federal prosecutors, and they filed a bunch of baseless cases against my wife and me. I was arrested for demanding an investigation into police misconduct. After six months and three attempts to force me to lie about my wife myThe 12th attorney told the court that I was incompetent and could not assist in my defense. I was shipped across the United States for 4 mental evaluations in four different states over a thirty-three-month period. I was also sent back to the federal medical facility with a forced medication order. My wife trusted her attorney who did nothing to help her, and that is the motivation for this business. I have never been convicted nor have I ever taken any plea deal. Now it’s time to learn something new if you are facing a federal indictment or have a prosecutor in your way. This Non-conventional revolutionary new approach to the attorney’s legal fraud could change the justice system as we know it. See how this groundbreaking program is shaking up the legal world. Unlock your potential to be on offense in their court of fraud! Learn the secrets of stopping foreclosures, criminal court processes, property tax challenges, and more with my new online legal business ideas!Learn More


This review video play list has reviews from legal coaches and homeowners who are punching the B A R member in the face before court. Listen to their heartfelt testimony and hear why they found value in my program.

A person holding up a sign that says free stuff.

FREE COPY OF MY RING STRATEGY Review the collective steps and strategies for using my program.

My story in short is that the local police tried to do an illegal search in my wife’s secondhand store. The state never filed a case, so the police chief lied to federal prosecutors, and they filed a bunch of baseless cases against my wife and me. I was arrested for demanding an investigation into police misconduct. After six months and three attempts to force me to lie about my wife myThe 12th attorney told the court that I was incompetent and could not assist in my defense. I was shipped across the United States for 4 mental evaluations in four different states over a thirty-three-month period. I was also sent back to the federal medical facility with a forced medication order. My wife trusted her attorney who did nothing to help her, and that is the motivation for this business. I have never been convicted nor have I ever taken any plea deal. Now it’s time to learn something new if you are facing a federal indictment or have a prosecutor in your way. This Non-conventional revolutionary new approach to the attorney’s legal fraud could change the justice system as we know it. See how this groundbreaking program is shaking up the legal world. Unlock your potential to be on offense in their court of fraud! Learn the secrets of stopping foreclosures, criminal court processes, property tax challenges, and more with my new online legal business ideas!Ring Strategy 8-9-22.docx A person is walking down the runway in front of some people. Team of people looking down into a camera


  1. Once you download the zip file of educational information, I do not provide a refund or a guarantee as some folks have trouble following the instructional videos. You are acting as your own attorney, therefore it is your responsibility to review the product descriptions, on this website.
  2. You will also review the Updated Instructional videos that are only found in the instructional video playlist on my YouTube channel, and you have to study the instructional video for the lawsuit package you are interested in.
  3. When you invest in this program you are investing in the educational material contained in the zip file. The personal and group coaching is the icing on the cake and at my discretion. There are 420 YouTube training videos on my youtube channel the other videos ate instructional videos.
  4. I offer NO Guarantee!


Take your legal coaching skills to the next level by mastering the basics of the non-conventional legal offensive strategies we use to stop the court process. With this comprehensively designed course, and lawsuit packages you’ll learn everything you need to know to stop the judges and attorneys in their tracks!

Click now to review your legal options on our product page.

Please Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn more about the updates and new legal strategies we are learning to stop the court process.

Don’t miss out! Click the link and subscribe, like, and share. Together, we are making a difference!


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I am so excited, I just got started with this Battle, and believe I will win!! Of course with Guy’s sincere assistance and a program that really says it all! Nothing out there yet, can compare. All of his work is not only comprehensive and thorough but RIGHT on a DIME!! I knew enough about his type of work, after reading his Court Papers to know, this HAS to Work!! I have been involved with other groups, and a lot of what he has is right on, just never put towards the Attorneys who are the culprit! Extremely IMPRESSED!! “- Joyce Decormier, Senior Property Management

I bought the Property Tax Lawsuit package from Guy. I had just a few days to respond to the Tax lien foreclosure. I must say that this package contains documents that you would need to fight the crooked courts and counties that are stealing your money through unlawful taxation. And this is what you are telling these crooks. That what they are doing is illegal and with this package, you are putting them on the check. There is a Notice of Claim to give them the opportunity to cure, but there is also a Civil Lawsuit in Federal court for violation of your civil rights for 5.5 million U.S. Dollars. That should scare them into submission. You will understand better the package if you have background info of the U.S.A. Corporation Vs the U.S. Republic. But even if you have no background and you follow instructions, the counties and courts will know the powerful defense you have in your hand. I recommend this package to anybody who wants to stop the theft of these crooks from taking your many with unlawful property taxation.

1-25-22- This review just came in from Venus.”I put the Lawsuit from State Court in, along with My Affidavit of State Citizenship and Affidavit of Special Appearance.The Judge Did not let me speak, he asked the opposing attorney who wrote the petition if you had a deed for the property on the record and he said No.The judge dismissed the case, told me I was free to go. The judge said the attorney needed to start the eviction process all over again. Now that gives me time to move to Federal Court.I was in tears!!!I can stay at my house!!!Thanks so, my Coach!!!”

Lady looking at a chalk board that says "dream Big, and Make it happen"Win VictoryGuy Neighbors A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO The Real Deal Coach Guy Neighbors. Facebook family and friends let me tell you I am old (but only 62 young) very slow at times but let me tell you the Coach lit a fire under my ass and man I took off running like a professional track star. But on a more serious note folks, the Coach came through for me with these thieving house stealing folks!! His strategies and instructional video have proven to work like no other. NO, HE IS NOT A LAWYER, YES HE TEACHES HOW TO FIGHT, NO HE IS NO JOKE and YES, IN THE END, HE PROVES HE IS THERE TO HELP YOU BUT YOU GOTTA DO THE WORK!! I have a long way to go but at least I am in the race now. Thanks, Coach couldn’t have done it without you.1Win Victory 



1:29 PM (48 minutes ago)  
to Guy
Hi Coach,
Thanks again for taking my call!
And, thank you for the instructional videos & amazing package content getting me to federal court. You are a gift from God. I really mean that.  I will find the original google review and send it to you today.  Also, I’ll write another review later today.  need to go now…
May this be your Happiest New Year ever!
-Marisa BelleciFamily of three mom, dad, and a baby

Lady in an officeADA ADVOCATESat, Jan 1, 4:23 AM (1 day ago)Hi, I’m Dee I invested in Coach Neighbor’s 42 USC Sec 18 Civil Rights Package I have a Personal Injury Claim I’m using the Package to stop the Attorneys in their tracks and now I’m winning my case. Thanks, Coach NeighborsDee ReedADA Advocate Paratransit Riders Of Houstonada.advocateparatransitriders@gmail.com

Bi- fmily standing in front of their homeTom Florence:Hey, I stopped the eviction process… well… I paused it and I got me some time all from your advice. I wanted to say thank you. I still don’t have the cash to buy your package… but I should real soon. I just wanted to tell you to thank you.

Rick CoxLocal Guide·31 reviews·8 photos5 months agoI am extremely grateful for everything Advocates for Justice Paralegal service has done. Coach Neighbors is truly a caring person, and the courses he has created are perfect for the problems people are facing during this pandemic. With moratoriums ending and evictions and foreclosure poised to skyrocket, people need help, they need answers to solve their situations. The packages and the online course are so crucial for our survival in these times. The online course is detailed, comprehensive, and thorough! I am truly happy I found Coach Neighbors!!

Linda Dunn1 review5 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueThis man Guy gave me more useful information than any Attorney. I have purchased one of his packages and it DOES work. I sent him emails and each time he answers them with little or no delay. Thank you Guy

A boxer punching someoneGBos1 review4 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueI highly recommend Coach Guy and his services. His packages are affordable and make the lawyers “go and sit the hell down”!!Like

 Edward LaudatPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueIf you look beyond the excellent training, templated documentation, and professionalism you will see at the root of this organizatiMilitary man with a machine gunon is a humble compassionate man with a great heart! Guy Neighbors is not only a cutting-edge advisor but also a cutting-edge human being.

beluved20095 reviewsPositive: QualityGuy’s products are very good. I know these documents are on point because the responses from the attorneys are much different, and show they are concerned about the allegations.

SDA Savage2 reviews9 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Responsiveness, ValueI have been enrolled in the Foreclosure Course and have just finished reviewing the documents and watching the videos. This course is outstanding! It is very easy to follow and is full of great information. I am still in the studying phase and have not yet put it into use, but I will update my progress later. I would highly recommend this course!LikeLady working on a laptop

Coach Craig5 reviews·5 photos7 months agoI recommend anyone needing assistance and guidance to use Guy’s Professionally vetted process. There is no better product plus support on the internet than this system. If you haven’t experienced the Guy Neighbors system, you’re missing out. 1000% Stamped and PROVENLike

. Austin Hullett1 review8 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueVery knowledgeable and extremely underrated. Guy has done the hard part and it’s nothing to sleep on, don’t waste time. Everything I have received has been more than its worth. Thanks again Advocates for Justice Paralegal Services.

jerry gordon6 reviews3 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, ResponsivenessCoach tells it like it is and helps you to see through the fraudulent deception our gov expects us to believe is the law. He has opened my eyes to the truth that 2 years of law school did not.

Rudi Londt1 review10 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueThe information I have received from Advocates of Justice Foreclosure Defense has helped me in defending my home against property thieves.Sign showing the 3-d wording "Debt"These 3rd rate debt collectors have made over 23 million families homeless, not counting the 6 million homeowners who just walked away. I wish I had known Coach Neighbors 6 months earlier. His protection against these wrongful foreclosures is unique and powerful.

Ali Aboriginal Business3 reviews10 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueI love Coach’s information on fighting foreclosures I got the non-judicial package that can work in any of the states just need to change some wording. Look forward to maybe investing in the tax lien info as well. I look forward to helping homeowners keep their houses and assisting landlords as well because we need the help too. Thanks for what you do with the info it is a lot of energy but I’m glad the universe had you give up the sauce on how to move the right way!! It’s not for you if you are a scary person though because you need to talk the talk and walk the walk!!

ZAVIER BROWN1 review5 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueHi, I just wanted to tell you guys about how important Guy Neighbors was and are in helping guide me in the legal processes of litigation, without him and his invaluable information I would be suffering emotionally and financially without his help. He’s definitely the real deal guys👍👍👍 Don’t hesitate in getting his invaluable information! ☺☺

TYRONIZ FORD1 review11 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueThe eliminate property taxes package is well worth the investment it’s the ammunition for your pistol and Coach neighbors is the instructor all you have to do is study and train hard and you will learn how to hit the target dead center Bulls-Eye.. thanks Guy neighbors for helping me zero in on the target..

Spank De1 review9 months agoPositive: Professionalism, ValueI’ve been dealing with a property tax foreclosure, for almost two years now. Been maybe two and half months since I have been following Guy, I join his class to at least get one piece of info I could use to help me fight back, it appears he has provided more than I expect. He has overproduced and did show he is different and he proved it.Like

Joyce Decormier1 reviewa year agoI am so excited, I just got started with this Battle, and believe I will win!! of course with Guy’s sincere assistance and a Program that really says it all! Nothing out there yet, can compare. All his work is not only comprehensive and thorough but RIGHT on a DIME!! I knew enough about his type of work, after reading his Court Papers to know, this HAS to Work!! I have been involved with other groups, and a lot of what he has is right on, just never put towards the Attorneys who are the culprit! Very IMPRESSED!!

LSG watchman1 review11 months agoPositive: Professionalismas housing advocates fighting for the property of homeowners since the 2008 crisis we have watch monitored almost every aspect of mortgage lenders deceptive practices and law firms and other organizations claiming to help homeowners after reviewing the several service document we are very impressed with the detailed and information Mr. Neighbor shares on this site the information is valuable for honest responsible homeowners willing to research and apply the information given on this site R. Harris Mortgage Compliance Auditor Respa Authority

Wesley Edwards5 reviews2 years agoI’m greatly satisfied and very delighted to have found Guy and to be a customer of one of his legal programs, I’m an ex-big 5 bank employee and I use to work in the Foreclose department and I’m familiar with the language and jargon, but Guy is light years beyond anything that I learned at We*** F*R** and his methods and strategies or next to none, I highly recommend him and trust me you can now sleep at night knowing that Guy Neighbors is on your case.

. Dulce Lagunas1 review10 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Responsiveness, Value(Translated by Google) My experience has been excellent, even though the language has always been a barrier for me, Mr. Guy Neighbors has been very patient with me and my husband. He is very professional and has a superb knowledge of the subject. I think without your help I would not have gotten to the point where I am right now. Thank you Mr Guy Neighbors !!

Mi experiencia ha sido excelente, aun cuando el idioma siempre ha sido una barrera para mi el sr. Guy Neighbors ha sido muy paciente conmigo y con mi esposo. Es muy profesional y tiene un super conocimiento del tema. Creo que sin su ayuda no habría llegado hasta el punto donde estoy en este momento. Gracias sr Guy Neighbors!!Like 

Fml133:53 PM (41 minutes ago)to Guy3:53 PM (41 minutes ago)I have spent thousands of dollars in attorney fees, using the conventional methods of fighting foreclosure hired CPA, did the consumer protection act…even paid using 1099 A and interrogatory letters..did not save me from eviction…I know if I had the 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983 Foreclosure offense Civil Rights Lawsuit package two years ago I would be in my home and much richer.  This lawsuit package approach is the only way I see to fight and his offer is reasonable enough that I just filed my lawsuit today brought it on Jan.23, 2022, four days later I filed my lawsuit…so I can’t say I have a win yet but its the steps in the right direction toward my win.   My confidence is increasing because I study his instructional videos I am learning when where and how to speak in court and when to file docs that are in the package.  the “guy” no pun intended is giving more than he takes.  The value for this is more than the $600 I paid I will tell you that!…TY Guy for a well-put-together lawsuit package and it’s easy to follow.   

Sue Boyer1 reviewa year agoGuy Neighbors and his Program are Priceless, truly an advocate for justice for Homeowners.  We would have been homeless if it weren’t for this program, I wish I had found it sooner, would have saved me 1000 headaches.  If you are facing a Foreclosure, or know someone who is, this will be the Greatest investment you can make for your family.  Thank You & God Bless you Guy Neighbors.Like 

attorney siting in a chair talkingPhillips Law PLLC has left a new comment on your post “Divorce Without Mutual Consent- Use Our Marriage Dissolution Document”:I am very thankful to you that you have shared this information with us. Read more info about Collection Defense Attorney mn. I got some different kinds of knowledge from your web page, and it is really helpful for everyone. Thanks for sharing it.

New review on the 42 U.S.C. 1983 Foreclosure Offensive Lawsuit package. Generally, I do not change the words but in this case, I removed a word and replaced it with the letter “F”. I think you will figure it out.This review is from a YouTube Channel subscriber “Stinger”This is stinger. I’m impressed by how powerful this package is after reading the documents. The ball is in my court now and everyone is “F”ed. I’m staying level headed but this is going so enjoyable crushing them👍💪👌a stack of money with a mouse trap waiting to snap on anyone who picks up the house key

Lady with her arms in the air rejoicing 1-25-22- This review just came in from Venus.”I put the Lawsuit from State Court in, along with My Affidavit of State Citizenship and Affidavit of Special Appearance.The Judge Did not let me speak, he asked the opposing attorney who wrote the petition if you had a deed for the property on the record and he said No.The judge dismissed the case, told me I was free to go. The judge said the attorney needed to start the eviction process all over again. Now that gives me time to move to Federal Court.I was in tears!!!I can stay at my house!!!Thanks so, my Coach!!!” 

lady sitting in front of her laptop happy with her hands in the airWhat can I say about Coach Neighbors?  He is brilliant. He is tenacious.  He has a passion for helping people to navigate this system that is so unbalanced and unfair for the average person:  it shows in the research and thought he has put into his work.  The lawyers in my case worked with the court after terminating my case and did not notify me until they had a date set for selling my house out from underneath me.  Because of Coach, I am still in my house and still fighting.  I am forever grateful to Guy for giving me a fighting chance.  Thank you, Coach.  I appreciate you more than words can say.

Guy, you are doing an immense service to everyone.  Facing the courts without your knowledge is a recipe for total failure. Keep doing what you are doing, and I will participate in learning.  I’ve run webinars in my past life, but now I’m retired but mainly an activist on the 5G front.  I think your small group coaching that I did Sunday night was very helpful since it gave everyone some time to get clarity on key questions specific to their situation since no case is the same, but I don’t have much experience.  Thank YOU again, and keep learning and evolving with us!

The zoom webinar was great last night thank you for the good info.
Mario Menendez

Eric Witt4 hours agoI must say the hopeless feeling left from all the “legal” letters I’ve received for their property theft. It is turning into hope, especially after researching and verifying the information the coach and the team gave. It’s hope because the hard work is done in the online course. The real laws to connect the dots and documents are laid out on a platter that’s kept fresh.I have not found one thing claimed here to be false in my research. Everything lines up, I would encourage others to check too.It’s impressive. I can tell a lot of very determined hard work has gone into this course. Very nicely done!


  • 1 day ago
The foreclosure package and 1983 are well worth the money. Guy, knows what he is talking about. Modification is another way to keep you in the hole in the first three months’ trial. Trial of what they do not let you know the breakdown of your payment. I discovered all kinds of forgery and criminal activity in my mortgage documents. Well, every lawyer I called for help wanted me to do a modification. I said no foreclosure is contract law 101 lawyer says to do a modification. Well, I kept reading and reading contract law and criminal law. Now Guy’s material, rules of civil procedure, and motions. Work is reading and reading and filing motions and motions. Thank you, Guy I had been listening to your videos a long time before I finally made my purchase, and I’m glad I did.

I received this review from Donna, a student enrolled in the online foreclosure offensive lawsuit DIY online course.Hello, Mr. Neighbors.I signed up for your training course in February of this year because I was facing foreclosure on an investment property that my mother and I own. I got your course, prepared the documents accordingly, and filed a counterclaim on my case, I filed the documents at the end of February. Plaintiff’s attorney followed up and filed a Motion to Dismiss, scheduled for today, May 2, 2022.I only wish you could have seen the look on the Plaintiff’s attorney’s face. She started with a mocking tone and superior demeanor like she was saying to herself… who does she think she is?! The attorney didn’t waste time requesting that my counterclaim be thrown out. The Judge wanted to comply, but his hands were tied because he was listed as a defendant. I wish you could have seen the mixture of frustration and defeat on her face. The Judge had no choice but to try to get another judge to make a ruling on this case seeing as how he cannot rule on a case that he was a party to. I also wish you could have seen how flustered the Judge was also. I felt so empowered because, for the first time, they didn’t just push me around and walk all over me; it was amazing!!! Thank you for all that you do. This course is amazing, and you are a wonderful teacher. I will keep you posted.

How are you doing, coach first, I want to say I appreciate what you’re doing it’s helping me I bought your non-judicial package, and it’s stopped them from evicting me now they have me coming back to the same court asking me to bring a copy of the deed so now I see I need to and the dirty ass judge on there also. Yes, sir, I already have I appreciate what you doing you are helping change people’s lives thank you

Before listening to Guy Neighbors, before any hearing, I would experience anxiety and rapid heartbeats whether I was with an attorney or as a Pro Se. Listening to Guy’s video, although skeptical at the beginning, I was able to educate myself and learn the crucial information. I gained an advantage that made me stronger and more confident and gave me a good chance against attorneys, judges, and the system. I have not used the lawsuits yet and am guarded to exercise it when the time comes, yet I’m using the knowledge that I can sue the judge when he/she violates my rights.The judge can be challenged for the unqualified and biased order issued. One of the things that helped me with Guy’s educational video was that the UD Court (the eviction court) does not have any jurisdiction to rule on a title issue; they only have jurisdiction on an Immediate possession. I was able to consolidate my UD limited case to the Title case, which is unlimited, and push the UD for a year out until after the trial date. I also learned to object to the judge on my Pro Se case in Bankruptcy to his face to back him off. I highly recommend listening to Guy’s educational video and to be prepared for the right time using his lawsuit packages. 

What can I say about Coach Neighbors?  He is brilliant. He is tenacious.  He has a passion for helping people to navigate this system that is so unbalanced and unfair for the average person:  it shows in the research and thought he has put into his work.  The lawyers in my case worked with the court after terminating my case and did not notify me until they had a date set for selling my house out from underneath me.  Because of Coach, I am still in my house and still fighting.  I am forever grateful to Guy for giving me a fighting chance.  Thank you, Coach.  I appreciate you more than words can say.

Truth Be Told  • 13 minutes ago.It suddenly came to my attention that the property tax situation has turned into them holding hands with the ( 2nd) 3rd party debt collector, this document.It would be perfect to skin the snakes in 1 motion …Yes?

Carlos CastilloFebruary 2, 2022, 5 amThank you for all the information I going to study real hard you’re the only person who gives me the tools to defend my house thank you again.

WildFire Penny  • 10 days agoGreetings coach I am submitting the lawsuit, the best investment ever made…, I am so grateful that I found you and I look forward to building my knowledge of your programs…

I am very thankful to you that you have shared this information with us. Read more info about Collection Defense Attorney mn. I got different kinds of knowledge from your web page, which is really helpful for everyone. Thanks for sharing it.Unsubscribe from comment emails for this blog.

I am very thankful to you that you have shared this information with us. Read more info about Collection Defense Attorney mn. I got different kinds of knowledge from your web page, which is helpful for everyone. Thanks for sharing it. 

New review on the 42 U.S.C. 1983 Foreclosure Offensive Lawsuit package. Generally, I do not change the words, but in this case, I removed a word and replaced it with the letter “F”. I think you will figure it out.This review is from a YouTube Channel subscriber, “Stinger”This is Stinger. I’m impressed by how powerful this package is after reading the documents. The ball is in my court now, and everyone is “F”ed. I’m staying level-headed, but this is going so enjoyable crushing them👍💪👌#foreclosurelawsuit #foreclosureoffense #foreclosure2022 #foreclosures #ForeclosureDefense 

1-25-22- This review just came in from Venus.”I put the Lawsuit from State Court in, along with My Affidavit of State Citizenship and Affidavit of Special Appearance.The Judge Did not let me speak, he asked the opposing attorney who wrote the petition if he had a deed for the property on the record, and he said No.The judge dismissed the case and told me I was free to go. The judge said the attorney needed to start the eviction process again. Now that gives me time to move to Federal Court.I was in tears!!!I can stay at my house!!!Thanks so, my Coach!!!”

Win VictoryGuy Neighbors6tS6f78n51u3tretmda4  · A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO The Real Deal Coach Guy Neighbors. Facebook family and friends, let me tell you I am old (but only 62 young ) and very slow at times but let me tell you, the Coach lit a fire under my ass, and I took off running like a professional track star. But on a more serious note folks, the Coach came through for me with these thieving house stealing folks!! His strategies and instructional video have proven to work like no other.NO, HE IS NOT A LAWYER, YES HE TEACHES HOW TO FIGHT, NO HE IS NO JOKE, and YES, IN THE END, HE PROVES HE IS THERE TO HELP YOU, BUT YOU GOTTA DO THE WORK!! I have a long way to go, but at least I am in the race now. Thanks, Coach couldn’t have done it without you. 1Win Victory

Hi Coach,
Thanks again for taking my call!
And thank you for the instructional videos & amazing package content getting me to federal court. You are a gift from God. I mean that.  I will find the original google review and send it to you today.  Also, I’ll write another review later today.  need to go now…
May this be your Happiest New Year ever!
-Marisa Belleci 

Google Reviews 10-14-21ADA ADVOCATESat, Jan 1, 4:23 AM (1 day ago)Hi, I’m Dee I invested in Coach Neighbor’s 42 USC Sec 18 Civil Rights Package I have a Personal Injury Claim I’m using the Package to stop the Attorneys in their tracks, and now I’m winning my case. Thanks, Coach NeighborsDee ReedADA Advocate Paratransit Riders Of Houstonada.advocateparatransitriders@gmail.com 

Hey, I stopped the eviction process… well… I paused it, and I got some time all from your advice. I wanted to say thank you. I still don’t have the cash to buy your package… but I should soon. I just wanted to tell you to thank you.

Rick CoxLocal Guide·31 reviews·8 photosFive months agoI am extremely grateful for everything Advocates for Justice Paralegal service has done. Coach Neighbors is truly a caring person, and his courses are perfect for the problems people face during this pandemic. With moratoriums ending and evictions and foreclosure poised to skyrocket, people need help, they need answers to solve their situations. The packages and the online course are so crucial for our survival in these times. The online course is detailed, comprehensive, and thorough! I am truly happy I found Coach Neighbors!! 

Linda Dunn1 review5 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueThis man Guy gave me more useful information than any Attorney. I have purchased one of his packages and it DOES work. I sent him emails and each time he answers them with little or no delay. Thank you Guy

Edward Laudat2 reviews5 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, ValueIf you look beyond the excellent training, templated documentation, and professionalism you will see at the root of this organization is a humble compassionate man with a great heart! Guy Neighbors is not only a cutting-edge advisor but also a cutting-edge human being.

SDA Savage2 reviews9 months agoPositive: Professionalism, Responsiveness, ValueI have been enrolled in the Foreclosure Course and have just finished reviewing the documents and watching the videos. This course is outstanding! It is very easy to follow and is full of great information. I am still in the studying phase and have not yet put it into use, but I will update my progress later. I would highly recommend this course!

Nikki Ross-
Coach N. Can I fly to Kansas and give you the biggest bear hug?
Listen, that 1983 package is lit we added the judge, attorney, and law firm.
The Update is that two judges were reassigned, and we are now on the 3rd Chief Judge.
We got a statement from the mortgage company saying they are reviewing the mortgage!

This is for my clients; this is not even my house! When this is dismissed, I’m telling everyone to buy your course!
I’m doing four cases so far TX, OH, PA, and NY. The look on those clerks’ faces when I filed was hilarious.
Nikki Ross
Thanks, Coach❤️

The ConsultantThis review came from an attorney that subscribed to my YouTube channel:
3 weeks ago
I was working on a case in NJ, and we filed a Counterclaim and named the judge. The Court moved the case to the neighboring county, which oddly stripped that Court of subject matter jurisdiction. Filed federally, the case in the state was voluntarily dismissed. 😂

Coach! I went a little off script with my notice. I sent a motion to withdraw magistrate consent jurisdiction and a notice of interlocutory appeal and stay proceedings for the judges and magistrate’s orders denying their own recusals and the reconsideration. I asked for an appeal to review the orders.The order for stay was granted pending the appeal decision!I’m still in my home.I think the off-script state recorded UCC bailment agreement and lien with the lien Lis pendens at the deed office stopped the new buyer from getting the title. Learning how to swing and not just defend was all I needed. I am going to leave a hellified review, trust me.

Coach, I appreciate all you do! You have given me hope and the proper knowledge to kick their (wait a minute…. the legal team doesn’t want me to say it) butts in court! You’re the best coach, and I’d be nervous if I weren’t playing on your team.

  1. Guy, you are doing an immense service to everyone.  Facing the courts without your knowledge is a recipe for total failure. Keep doing what you are doing, and I will participate in learning.  I’ve run webinars in my past life, but now I’m retired but mainly an activist on the 5G front.  I think your small group coaching that I did Sunday night was beneficial since it gave everyone some time to clarify critical questions specific to their situation. No case is the same, but I don’t have much experience.  Thank YOU again, and keep learning and evolving with us!

Eric Witt4 hours agoI must say the hopeless feeling left by all the “legal” letters I’ve received for their property theft. It is turning into hope, especially after researching and verifying the information the coach and the team gave. It’s hopeful because the hard work is done in the online course. The real laws to connect the dots and documents are laid out on a platter that’s kept fresh.I have not found one thing claimed here to be false in my research. Everything lines up, I would encourage others to check too.It’s impressive. I can tell a lot of very determined hard work has gone into this course. Very nicely done!

Kuroshi Shahrzad recommends Foreclosure Lawsuit DIY Online Course.October 22  · I highly recommend this course; you will not find anything else like it!! A+I have never felt I had any possible chance of dealing with the foreclosure put on my childhood home. My parents are elderly, and the home already went to the sheriff’s sale. I thought there was nothing we could do but beg the court for the mercy of eviction.After studying the YouTube videos, I realize it is the other way around, using these strategies. What these courts are doing is illegal! With their predatory loans, these vendors need to be held accountable for their actions! This course teaches you how to fight back!I believe my family has the tools to reclaim what is rightfully ours.If you have doubts, watch the YouTube videos more than once until you understand the presented information.

Pro-Se Legal School’s Lawsuit Packages Will Help You:

  • Stop The Court process.

  • File Your Lawsuit In State, And Federal Court.

  • Add The State To Your Claim

  • Add The Judge To Your Lawsuit

  • Add The Attorney Who Signed

  • Add The Prosecutor To Your Lawsuit

  • Your lawsuit will address the state’s day-to-day procedures that violated your due process.

  • Get your claim filed without an attorney in your way.

  • They will have no standing in the federal court.


Head over to my YouTube channel to study the over 500 legal training videos, and live streams.

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