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Original price was: $600.00.Current price is: $300.00.

We aim to provide the tools and coaching needed to stop the court process and keep the dispute at the gate. We help you learn how to get this done without an attorney at law, and there is no need to search traffic attorneys near me to find a legally blonde civil litigation attorney to block you from winning your legal cases. The Traffic lawsuit package will stop the criminal process when you add the government, the prosecutor, and the judge to your 42 USC 1983 lawsuit. Sue them before they get their ducks in a row and crush the indictment process ASAP!

Below is the instructional video. Please check our website for any updated instructional videos for this lawsuit package. The updates are made from real-time feedback from clients throughout the United States. The feedback helps us address the real issues and attack the correct parties in civil court. Our Pro Se Legal School YouTube Channel serves as a legal business learning center with over 800 learning training and instructional videos that help you understand how to deploy the lawsuit document in the packages.


Traffic Ticket DIY Lawsuit:

This traffic ticket DIY lawsuit will transform you into a traffic lawyer. Make money online start a legal business center today. Stop Legal Attorney cases!

This traffic ticket DIY lawsuit addresses the fact that when the officer signed the summons, it violated your due process and the separation clause in the constitution.

We aim to provide the tools and coaching needed to stop the court process and keep the dispute at the gate. We help you learn how to get this done without an attorney at law, and there is no need to search traffic attorneys near me to find a legally blonde civil litigation attorney to block you from winning your legal cases. The Traffic lawsuit package will stop the criminal process when you add the government, the prosecutor, and the judge to your 42 USC 1983 lawsuit. Sue them before they get their ducks in a row and crush the indictment process ASAP!

Paralegal School:

In this paralegal program, you will learn how to hold the players liable in federal and state court and how to attack the B.A.R. Members for the fraudulent court processes and local rules that are not in harmony with the constitution. Therefore, we don’t need to hear all the stuff that happened in their conventional program.

This package will allow you to file a civil claim against the players for violating your rights with the illegal court processes and procedures used to help the attorneys jump on you in court. This Traffic Ticket 42 – 1983 civil rights lawsuit has a strategy for when the judge helps the attorneys.

The Following Fatal Flaws Blocked the Traffic Court’s Jurisdiction:

The police officer violated the Separation Clause in the Constitution when he/she signed the summons (ticket) for the plaintiff to appear in court.
The illegal signing caused a “Due Process” violation when the court proceeded with the court processes and local rules.
The players in the court all have a conflict of interest because the same corporation is paying them all.
There is no injured party, and the officer violated the Constitution and therefore has no credibility to testify.
The prosecutor has no witness.
Ordinances and statutes are not valid laws because they do not have the three elements the state constitution mandates must be present to be a valid law.

Are you facing criminal prosecution? This groundbreaking lawsuit package may be the key to your freedom. Learn how to sue the federal or state prosecutor three times before they get their ducks in a row. This legal package is undefeated to date!
