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The Court Processes Violate Your Right To Due Process

September 7, 2021
A close up of the word process in a dictionary

We have figured out state citizens must address the fact their due process was violated with illegal court processes procedures and local rules. We have learned how to sue the person who signed the petition, or the notice of default letter used to start the foreclosure process against your property. Now we must learn how to control the federal court process to prevent the federal court judge from illegally dismissing your lawsuit against the attorney who signed to initiate the foreclosure against your property. Now we will learn how to become an expert in protecting our due process rights during the illegal court processes. When you learn what your procedural due process rights are you will better understand the strategies and documents we use in this program. You must study everything there is to read about your due process rights to better understand why we do the crazy-sounding stuff that you will learn here. The court processes are structured by the b.a.r. members to violate our right to due process so we have learned how to sue the b.a.r. members for violating our rights and federal laws.

Due Process Rights Require:

a. an opportunity for confrontation and cross-examination, and for discovery.

b. that a decision is made based on the record.

c. that a party is allowed to have the assistance of counsel.

2. After the Civil War, Congress adopted several measures to protect individual rights from interference by the states.

3. Among them was the Fourteenth Amendment, which prohibits the states from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.â€

4. When it was adopted, the Clause was understood to mean that the government could deprive a person of rights only according to law applied by a court.

5. Yet since then, the Supreme Court has elaborated significantly on this core understanding.

6. As the examples above suggest, the rights protected under the Fourteenth Amendment can be understood in three categories:

 (a) “procedural due process;â€

(b) the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights, “incorporated†against the states; and

(c) “substantive due process.â€

7. Now I’m not going to go into detail about the 3 categories, but I will touch on them to help you understand how the court process is violating you and, in most cases, you have no idea.

8. The Three Categories

a. Procedural Due Process:

“Procedural due process†concerns the procedures that the government must follow before it deprives an individual of life, liberty, or property.

b. The individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights, “incorporated†against the states

c. Substantive due process:

Now that you understand a little about your right to due process it’s time to hold the court b.a.r. members accountable in your federal lawsuit.

Coach Neighbors

I am the creator of advocates for Justice Paralegal Service to offer an affordable legal option to folks who do not trust attorneys. I provide the tools and group coaching you need to get control of your legal situation without an attorney in your face. I have been through what you are facing, and that experience drove me to learn the loopholes (defects) in the attorney’s processes and procedures that rob the court of jurisdiction. I learned how to structure legal documents that will address the defects in the legal process. I have a private Facebook group where I communicate with group members who are using my documents and strategies. The real-time feedback on how attorneys are trying to avoid liability allows me to adjustments the lawsuit packages to close those doors the attorneys try and use. If you are ready to try a non-conventional strategy to get control of your legal situation, I have what you need.