

Original price was: $1,800.00.Current price is: $850.00.


Invest in my challenge property tax lawsuit package to eliminate property tax and file your lawsuit for the property tax fraud. Challenge the property tax lien, before the property sale, and stop the property tax hearing in California property tax court process. Learn how to challenge property taxes and step up your legal property management skills.  

My stop property tax lawsuit package includes two lawsuits: one for illegal taxes & one to stop the illegal foreclosure process. Now you can sue them twice!

Check out the updated instructional video: https://youtu.be/N6I9N30L6pk

This property tax lawsuit package has been updated to include the 42 USC 1983 Foreclosure Offensive Lawsuit package and the Illegal Property Tax DIY Lawsuit package. Now, you can protect your residential or real property from illegal property tax collections. If your rental management company suffers from this problem, now is the time to act and do something that makes sense. If you are a property owner facing delinquent taxes, you no longer need to ask for a tax extension

Protect your residential or real property from illegal property tax collections. If your rental management company suffers from this problem. Take Control!

This property tax lawsuit package has been updated to include the real estate deed fraud lawsuit. I have included the 42 USC 1983 Foreclosure Offensive Lawsuit to avoid explaining that it doesn’t matter which lawsuit you use if your property is facing foreclosure. So, this is the deal of the day because it contains two lawsuits. Now, you can sue them for the illegal tax issues and come back and sue them for the mortgage fraud scheme.

You will receive the following document:

  1. 2025 Challenge Property Tax Lawsuit.
  2. 2024 42 USC Foreclosure Offensive Lawsuit.
  3. 2024 Demand To Strike Attorney’s Notice Of Appearance.
  4. 2023 Demand For Sanctions For Mortgage Fraud.
  5. Temporary Restraining Order To Block Federal Funding To The State:
  6. Notice Of Claim Letter For Illegal Property Tax Lawsuit.
  7. 2024 Legal Malpractice Lawsuit.
  8. Civil Cover Sheet Answers.
  9. Demand To Strike
  10. Link to the most asked questions video.
  11. https://youtu.be/N6I9N30L6pk

Invest in my challenge property tax lawsuit package to eliminate property tax and file your lawsuit for the property tax fraud. Challenge the property tax lien, before the property sale, and stop the property tax hearing in California property tax court process. Learn how to challenge property taxes and step up your legal property management skills.  

My stop property tax lawsuit package includes two lawsuits: one for illegal taxes & one to stop the illegal foreclosure process. Now you can sue them twice!

Empower your property management team with legal power of attorney and legal advice to attack unlawful deed registration. Get legal help from a legal assistant who hates attorneys. Learn from a legal counsel advocate and become a legal attorney to help stop property tax fraud with my stop property tax lawsuit. Learn how to stop the property tax sale without lawyer advice. Handle your legal like a civil law attorney near me legal advocate. Challenge the property tax lien process with a legal office near me. Find a property tax attorney near me without lawyer help or searching for a legal office near me.

Check out the Updated Challenge Property Tax Instructional Video: https://youtu.be/N6I9N30L6pk  

This Challenge property tax lawsuit package has been updated to include the 42 USC 1983 Foreclosure Offensive Lawsuit package and the Illegal Property Tax DIY Lawsuit package. Now, you can protect your residential or real property from illegal property tax collections. If your rental management company suffers from this problem, now is the time to act and do something that makes sense. If you are a property owner facing delinquent taxes, you no longer need to ask for a tax extension.

The challenge property tax lawsuit package addresses the illegal registration of your property at the gate! Registering your property deed in their office allowed the first illegal lien to be placed on your property—the mortgage lien. Hear me out and decide if it makes sense. If several people owned property, all the owners would be required to be present to sign the mortgage lien. So, the fact that the alleged lender accepted your signature on the mortgage lien shows that you were already the property owner. It’s important to note that while no law explicitly requires property owners to register their property in any office, the property transfer law does mandate that the deed be delivered to the property owner. The registration of the property deed is real estate deed fraud, which is one of the counts in the property tax lawsuit. Real estate deed fraud violates federal criminal law, which means you also bring criminal charges in your lawsuit. You will also address in your claim the due process violation caused by the state’s day-to-day procedures and policies that were not fair.

 Look at the title of the lawsuit:

If you want to see fools sweat while punching them in the face, you need to invest in this as soon as possible.

You will receive the following document:

  1. 2025 Challenge Property Tax Lawsuit.
  2. 2024 42 USC Foreclosure Offensive Lawsuit.
  3. 2024 Demand to Strike Attorney’s Notice of Appearance.
  4. 2023 Demand for Sanctions for Mortgage Fraud.
  5. Temporary Restraining Order to Block Federal Funding to the State:
  6. Notice Of Claim Letter for Illegal Property Tax Lawsuit.
  7. 2024 Legal Malpractice Lawsuit.
  8. Civil Cover Sheet Answers.
  9. Demand To Strike
  10. https://youtu.be/N6I9N30L6pk

Click the Buy Now Button and take charge of your legal situation today!





  1. Joyce Decormier

    ” I am so excited, I just got started with this Battle, and believe I will win!! Of course with Guy’s sincere assistance and a program that really says it all! Nothing out there yet, can compare. All of his work is not only comprehensive and thorough but RIGHT on a DIME!! I knew enough about his type of work, after reading his Court Papers to know, this HAS to Work!! I have been involved with other groups, and a lot of what he has is right on, just never put towards the Attorneys who are the culprit! Extremely IMPRESSED!! ”

    – Joyce Decormier, Senior Property Management

  2. Saim

    ” I bought the Property Tax Lawsuit package from Guy. I had just a few days to respond to the Tax lien foreclosure. I must say that this package contains documents that you would need to fight the crooked courts and counties that are stealing your money through unlawful taxation. And this is what you are telling these crooks. That what they are doing is illegal and with this package, you are putting them on the check. There is a Notice of Claim to give them the opportunity to cure, but there is also a Civil Lawsuit in Federal court for violation of your civil rights for 5.5 million U.S. Dollars. That should scare them into submission. You will understand better the package if you have background info of the U.S.A. Corporation Vs the U.S. Republic. But even if you have no background and you follow instructions, the counties and courts will know the powerful defense you have in your hand. I recommend this package to anybody who wants to stop the theft of these crooks from taking your many with unlawful property taxation. “

  3. James david

    “I put the Lawsuit from State Court in, along with My Affidavit of State Citizenship and Affidavit of Special Appearance.

    The Judge Did not let me speak, he asked the opposing attorney who wrote the petition if you had a deed for the property on the record and he said No.

    The judge dismissed the case, told me I was free to go. The judge said the attorney needed to start the eviction process all over again. Now that gives me time to move to Federal Court.

    I was in tears!!!

    I can stay at my house!!!

    Thanks so, my Coach!!!”

    Win VictoryGuy Neighbors 

    A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO The Real Deal Coach Guy Neighbors. Facebook family and friends let me tell you I am old (but only 62 young) very slow at times but let me tell you the Coach lit a fire under my ass and man I took off running like a professional track star. But on a more serious note folks, the Coach came through for me with these thieving house stealing folks!! His strategies and instructional video have proven to work like no other. NO, HE IS NOT A LAWYER, YES HE TEACHES HOW TO FIGHT, NO HE IS NO JOKE and YES, IN THE END, HE PROVES HE IS THERE TO HELP YOU BUT YOU GOTTA DO THE WORK!! I have a long way to go but at least I am in the race now. Thanks, Coach couldn’t have done it without you.

  4. Marisa Belleci

    Hi Coach,
    Thanks again for taking my call!
    And, thank you for the instructional videos & amazing package content getting me to federal court. You are a gift from God. I really mean that.  I will find the original google review and send it to you today.  Also, I’ll write another review later today.  need to go now…
    May this be your Happiest New Year ever!
    -Marisa Belleci

  5. Dee Reed

    Hi, I’m Dee I invested in Coach Neighbor’s 42 USC Sec 18 Civil Rights Package I have a Personal Injury Claim I’m using the Package to stop the Attorneys in their tracks and now I’m winning my case. 

    Thanks, Coach Neighbors

    Dee Reed

  6. Tom Florence

    Hey, I stopped the eviction process… well… I paused it and I got me some time all from your advice. I wanted to say thank you. I still don’t have the cash to buy your package… but I should real soon. I just wanted to tell you to thank you.

  7. Rick Cox

    I am extremely grateful for everything Advocates for Justice Paralegal service has done. Coach Neighbors is truly a caring person, and the courses he has created are perfect for the problems people are facing during this pandemic. With moratoriums ending and evictions and foreclosure poised to skyrocket, people need help, they need answers to solve their situations. The packages and the online course are so crucial for our survival in these times. The online course is detailed, comprehensive, and thorough! I am truly happy I found Coach Neighbors!!

  8. Linda Dunn

    Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value

    This man Guy gave me more useful information than any Attorney. I have purchased one of his packages and it DOES work. I sent him emails and each time he answers them with little or no delay. Thank you Guy

  9. GBos

    I highly recommend Coach Guy and his services. His packages are affordable and make the lawyers “go and sit the hell down”!!

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