I’m working on a new lawsuit that would allow folks who were robbed in property tax court by B. A. R. members less than 15 years ago a chance to get back in court. This new product will provide the tools you need to file a lawsuit against the judge who ruled in the illegal property tax lien foreclosure scheme. Now you will be able to attack the judge for unrelated issues that affect the judge’s legal standing. This package is structured for folks who lost their property to the illegal property tax lien foreclosure scheme up to 15 years. ago. I’m adding this new lawsuit to the current eliminate property tax lawsuit package to assure the package will perform well for both property owners who still have control of their property and for the folks who do not have control of their property. Now you can challenge them to return your original property deed and remove your property information from their database. You can also get your foot back in the door to re-open the illegal property tax foreclosure that occurred up to 15-yrs. ago, and call them fools back to the table with some real fire to stick up in their faces!
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